Friday, June 21, 2013

Hurdles Are meant to be Jumped Over

Each of us will at some point in life, find that despite our best efforts we will face obstacles. Some obstacles are larger than others and may take longer to over come. The thing to remember however is that you can over come any challenge or situation as long as you chose to. While it isn't a good idea to wallow in self petty  you should give yourself time to adjust and understand the impact the obstacle will have on your life. if you are facing the death of a loved one, the end of a long term relationship, or a loss of a job, take time to grieve and heal completely. Attempting to act as though you're not impacted either emotionally or mentally can cause a greater set back. Being in denial can prevent you from getting the help and support you need. Getting the right help and taking the time to adjust can be the bridge needed to over come the situation.

Obstacles can also have a positive impact on you. Depending on the situation some may cause you to stretch in ways that uncover a previously unknown strength. Other may cause you to discover a new passion, while other may cause you to regain a perspective you may have forgotten. In my case facing a major family crisis that shook me to the core, also caused me to see the value in my relationship with my children. I became as a result of he crisis a better father. I began to invest more time and energy in my kids. And the best part is they began to invest more time into me.

There is a Bible verse that says "All things work together for the good of those that love the lord and are called according to his purpose" (Romans ch. 8 verse 28). Whether you are a Bible reader or not the wisdom in this statement is valuable to all of us. For me it causes me to look for the good in all situations. This is not always easy because some things are tough and seem to have no explanation behind why it happen. However we have to face all things that happen in our lives and when these things are negative its best to have a positive mental outlook through it all. Wallowing in self petty only makes the situation worse and prolongs the healing process.

Look at your life like a race at a track meet with hurdles placed throughout the event. In order to complete the race you MUST jump over the hurdles that are set before you. If you stumble just get back up and continue the race. At the moments when it feels the hardest, listen to the cheers of the supporters. You are a winner just by the fact you are running the race, don't let the obstacles cause you to stop running. You can over come all obstacles just by taking one step at a time.

Monday, December 12, 2011

2012 means what to you?

A lot of talk has been put out there about 2012. Some say the Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012. As we go into 2012 have you decided what 2012 means to you. As with past years we can hope and plan for a new year better than the previous year. Don't let someone else determine what your new year will mean for you, make the decision and make the new year what you want it to be for you.

My 2012 is a new beginning for me, and I hope you will let 2012 be a new beginning for you. Lets let all the scared and negative people see the benefits of a mind made up to succeed. Maybe they will come around too, lol.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Invest For Success Without Money

Every person on earth is born with the same 2 things to use to create the life they want. The difference in the outcomes of each has to do with how these 2 things are used. Some become wealthy, while other starve. I believe the outcome is your choice. What are the 2 things? Time and Effort (Physical/Mental). Some have more time than others, and effort applied can be impacted by the the condition you are in both physically and mentally. However each of us have the ability to use our time and effort to create the life we want. It is a matter of how we invest both time and effort. If they are invested in your goals you WILL achieve them.

Investing time and effort can get you many things in life. This may sound simple but in my experience most people don't realize that it is as simple as that. I have found that most people don't put the right value in time and effort. Your time and effort are your most valuable assets. Investing them correctly can get you more assets, homes, cars, education, career, and fame. 

Time and Effort, and the correct use of them both can change your life. Let me know what you think 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get Up And Do, Don't Sit And Wait

I understand some of us feel like we can't have the life that we dream about, but that is only because we do not follow the natural system we see around us every day. Trust me, if you 'GET UP AND DO' you will see the outcome you desire. However, if you continue to 'SIT AND WAIT' I can promise you that you will never see the change you want out of life.

Waiting for change will not cause it to come. I know this because I tried waiting and did not get the results I wanted. If you are not living the life that you desire for yourself, I would like you to consider this:

Get seed, plant seed, water seed, harvest seed. Everything on earth follows this same pattern. This happens in every aspect of nature. It is automatic.

This system also applies to our lives as well. Whatever you want out of life you can have if you first start with the seed of that want, in other words your goal. Your goal is the outcome you want whether it be to become a lawyer, start a business, or have healthy relationships with friends and family.

Defining your goals are very important and you should take the time to really find out what it is you want out of life. This is also important because some of us have lived our lives for other people and never really knew what we wanted for ourselves. So do some soul searching first and be sure of what you want. Once you have clarity on your wants/goals then you are on your way to achieving them.

Once you have the goal it must be planted in the right soil. This is the most important part of accomplishing your goals. The right soil in this case is environment and people. You need to surround yourself with people and information that will keep you focused on gaining the outcome you desire. Negative people, information or situations can have an impact on your outcome. Like fruit planted in polluted soil, it may grow but it would not be a healthy plant or have longevity.

You want your goal to be long lasting so your enviornment must be supportive of you to ensure your goal can survive this period. Make sure to remove all negativity. Doing this will give you the best chance for success. Not everyone wants you to be happy and you need to be aware of the people and situations that are against you so you can make the necessary personnel changes.

As with any seed planted it must be given the proper care. It will need to be watered regularly and given sunlight. In your case your goal needs to be fed. If you want to become a lawyer, for example, you will need to go to school. If you want to be a business owner you must learn business.

To accomplish your goals you must do the necessary work of learning about what you want to become. If this means going to school, or networking with others who are doing what you want to do, then do it. In this way you are watering your plant and some time in your future, when it has grown strong and full of all that it needs, then it can be harvested.

Now you are living the desire you planned for yourself. Understand it will take time, so get started now. Contact me if you need help getting started. When you accomplish your goal make sure to let me know, I would like an invite to the celebration of your success.